The advantages of polybutene in roofing applications
The advantages of polybutene in roofing applications is that it can be applied cold, therefore eliminating the need for naked flames and heating equipment.
When polybutene is formulated into a roofing membrane, it produces a homogenous flexible synthetic roof waterproofing sheet. It is available in black or white and has excellent resistance to weathering, ultraviolet light, sparks, radiant heat and gases from industrial plants. It can be used on a wide range of surfaces. It is installed using cold process adhesives.
KEMAT Polybol™ (medium and high molecular weight polyisobutene) is used in roofing membranes.
- excellent resistance to weathering
- excellent ultraviolet resistance
- excellent waterproofing
- excellent performance at wide temperature ranges – no shrinkage
- retains flexibility at low temperatures
End User Applications
- flat roofing
- concrete decks
- metal roofs
- new and refurbished builds